Lime Plaster

A beautiful plaster made from slaked lime and marble dust, Lime plaster is breathable allowing air and humidity to pass in and out which has a natural filtering effect and is eco-friendly containing no VOC’s.  Lime Plaster finishes can range from a highly polished monotone look to a beautiful and busy natural marble appearance. Also known as Classic Venetian, Marmorino, Intonachino, Travertino and Stucco, these finishes allow you to achieve the timeless look you desire with a host of color selections available.

Clay Plaster

This amazing natural finish is a blend of clays and recycled marble. Clay is a breathable wall finish that allows air and humidity to pass in and out which has a natural filtering effect and is eco-friendly containing no VOC’s. There are numerous textures and finishes from smooth to coarse and a vast pallet of color selections available.

"Each project begins with a blank canvas allowing for a truly unique, one of a kind work of art to be created."

...Vita Benedetta